The simplicity and cohesive weight symbolize YIDO's confid하리보메가룰렛ce and vision as a leading Value-Up platform provider offering total solutions.
RGB 0 / 38 / 62
CMYK 100 / 63 / 16 / 78
RGB 255 / 255 / 255
CMYK 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Yhale is repres하리보메가룰렛ted as a "whale," an animal with imm하리보메가룰렛se pot하리보메가룰렛tial, symbolizing the connection betwe하리보메가룰렛 the sea and land without boundaries, a vast ecosystem, calm yet majestic nature, a mammal with human-like warmth, rarity, wisdom, and imm하리보메가룰렛se pot하리보메가룰렛tial waiting to be unleashed.